ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my site! I am so glad that you have come to visit me. I hope to keep this up to date and have fun talking about trains and things like that. I hope that you will enjoy being here with me and that you will be blessed for stopping. As you read the blogs and ponder them, please consider sending me a comment that I may know you were here. I am delighted that you have come and look forward to lots of stories, laughs, and of course - whistle-blowing! Everyone who knows me can attest to the fact that where I am, there is usually a WHISTLE! Again, thanks for visiting with me. Have a great day!

Friday, August 22, 2008

On the right track

The train is a magnificent machine. Designed for a particular purpose, it is equipped with exactly what it needs to function it's purpose. I am always amazed to watch them as they move to and fro and wonder what it must be like to have the responsibility of being the engineer. Unlike any other mode of transportation, the trains course has already been laid. Each destination requires a certain number of tracks that have already been put in position. Up ahead, there are switches that move the train from one track to another as it chooses different routes to reach its destination - but it is up to the engineer when to make the transitions to achieve the tasks that have been assigned to him. Isn't that a beautiful analogy when compared to our Christian walk? God has given us everything we need to accomplish the task that He has assigned for us. He has pre-laid the tracks we are to travel, but we must choose which transitions will put us on the proper route to reach our destination. Isn't that just like God to put everything in place from the beginning to the end but leave it to us to choose which way to go to get there? Make no mistakes, there is a purpose, there is a plan, and there is an ultimate goal that God wants each of us to achieve in our lives. Not all of the routes lead to the same place. As God reveals each task for us everyday, we must choose the route to take. One thing to remember is that the engineer doesn't know His destination until he gets his assignment. So, he must communicate with the one who decides where he is to go and what he is to do. In order to achieve our tasks, we must always check in with the "THE ONE" who has our assignment in hand and ready to give the command. Have you talked to Him today? Have you listened to Him today? Get to it.


Royally Designed said...

I am so glad you are going to do this. You keep it up! You are just the person for helping to "train" others - especially in character! (SMILE)

Keeping things on track

Keeping things on track
The ABC's with Choo-Choo Tim

All Aboard the VBS Train

All Aboard the VBS Train
Little Danielle beams with delight to ride the train with Choo-Choo Tim and friends

Train Tunes