ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my site! I am so glad that you have come to visit me. I hope to keep this up to date and have fun talking about trains and things like that. I hope that you will enjoy being here with me and that you will be blessed for stopping. As you read the blogs and ponder them, please consider sending me a comment that I may know you were here. I am delighted that you have come and look forward to lots of stories, laughs, and of course - whistle-blowing! Everyone who knows me can attest to the fact that where I am, there is usually a WHISTLE! Again, thanks for visiting with me. Have a great day!

Friday, November 5, 2010

On the right track

Many things have happened for Choo-Choo Tim since my last blog. My wonderful wife has become my sidekick; she calls herself "Stylin' Nellie". Together, we have done alot of traveling and had lots of fun ministering for our Lord Jesus Christ.

I've also constructed a trackless train that allows people to have fun riding on a train. I use it at many events such as vacation bible school, church events, community and private events. It has become quite the "little engine that could". Earnings its own First Place Award in a recent parade! It seems that everything that the little train has done (#97) has really been blessed of the Lord. I review this as a confirmation that Choo-Choo Tim Ministries must be on the right track.

Please pray for our ministry as we continue to follow the Lord's direction and be watching for our new website that is currently under construction for updated posts in the future.

Thank you kindly,
Choo-Choo Tim

Keeping things on track

Keeping things on track
The ABC's with Choo-Choo Tim

All Aboard the VBS Train

All Aboard the VBS Train
Little Danielle beams with delight to ride the train with Choo-Choo Tim and friends

Train Tunes