ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my site! I am so glad that you have come to visit me. I hope to keep this up to date and have fun talking about trains and things like that. I hope that you will enjoy being here with me and that you will be blessed for stopping. As you read the blogs and ponder them, please consider sending me a comment that I may know you were here. I am delighted that you have come and look forward to lots of stories, laughs, and of course - whistle-blowing! Everyone who knows me can attest to the fact that where I am, there is usually a WHISTLE! Again, thanks for visiting with me. Have a great day!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life's Railway

One of my favorite train songs is "Life's Railway To Heaven". It is a great analogy of our journey through life. I grew up in the mountains of Virginia and I know how twisted and turning it is to travel through them, it can be very dangerous! Even though the tracks are laid in place the Engineer must be very careful not to go to fast around the curves and know when to slow the train down as he approaches a steep decline, he must know exactly when to apply the brakes to descend the mountain safely, If he gets the brakes too hot they will cease to work and the inevitable will happen, the train will lose all braking systems and will speed out of control. That very thing happened in Virginia on September 27th 1903 when Engineer Steve Broady (while trying to make up a "behind time" schedule) got "Old 97" rolling too fast! At the foot of the 3 mile grade was a crescent shaped trestle, when 97 approached the trestle it was going too fast and didn't make the turn, instead it continued straight off the trestle and into the ravine below, Steve may have reached the city of Danville, Va. but he didn't make his arrival, in fact, HE didn't make it at all.
We are taught to stay the course and run the race of life not allowing distractions to blur our focus and purpose much like the second verse of the song,
" You will roll up grades of trial; you will cross the bridge of strife; See the Christ is your conductor; on the lightning train of life; Always mindful of obstruction, do your duty, never fail; keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail." WOW! If we can just follow those instructions, when the dangers of life approach us, we will be prepared to meet them and know in our hearts what to do! Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail!
Choo-Choo Tim


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim! I like it! I love the name too! :) Just thought I would touch base with you and send you a hello! We didn't get much from the hurricane and for that I am thankful! I am praying for all of those affected though. The devestation is so heart-breaking. :( Hope y'all are doing well and having a great weekend! -- SIL Jen

Keeping things on track

Keeping things on track
The ABC's with Choo-Choo Tim

All Aboard the VBS Train

All Aboard the VBS Train
Little Danielle beams with delight to ride the train with Choo-Choo Tim and friends

Train Tunes